Christmas 2022/23: Video mapping: Merry Christmas, Madrid!

Videomapping Cibeles. ¡Feliz Navidad, Madrid!

A big video mapping show called “Merry Christmas, Madrid!”, cast onto the façade of Cibeles Palace, wishes Madrileños a happy Christmas. In the photo, a big ball of light transports the Three Kings from the East.

Formato multimedia: 
Medidas de la imagen: 
2048px x 1367px
Tamaño del archivo: 
1.66 MB
Madrid in winter
Plaza de Cibeles - Fachada del Ayuntamiento de Madrid. 28013
Madrid can brag about having lots of parties that brighten up its streets, but few of them have such an impact on so many areas of Madrid as the arrival of Christmas. That’s why, from the end of November until Three Kings’ Day, streets, squares and buildings are lit up by millions of lamps that comply with the strictest environmental and energy efficiency requirements, giving off more light, but consuming less energy. Nor should we forget the traditional Christmas trees and nativity scenes that are set up in different areas of the city, not to mention all the different activities organised for the Christmas holidays, such as ice rinks or Christmas markets.

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